Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction

Take the LCM of denominators and Subtract them

This is going to be hard to draw, but you just substitute Morning mugs for x and solve, and Morning glasses for y and solve. You do the same for the night mugs for x and solve.
For A solve it in a way that if you substitute X and Y in a way it will turn out to be 23 or 16 in the <em />correct Situation.
For B substitute the X and the Y so it will match up correctly.
from the picture in every cup there are 1/5 of lemon + 4/5 of water.
the cups are 20
so 1/5 * 20 = 4
4 cup of lemon
Step-by-step explanation:
So, 6 feet is equal to 72 inches. You need 18 inches for one bracelet, so by dividing 72/18, you get 4. So, he can make 4 bracelets.