Some of the challenges they faced was not being able to hunt in their forest, working in coal mines, poverty, child wayfare, classism, being surveilled, injustice, fear of dying, etc.
374meters. 17
(/). divided by (/)
17seconds 17
Equals 22 meters per second
Well this really depends on the situation. Certain experiences and relationships can provide us with many changes. Sometimes this means mentally or physically. If you come about someone who has a certain habit you, yourself will sometimes pick up on that habit. Other times your mood can change depending on the other person your with. An example being if your lover is upset, you will begin to feel down as well.
-Hopefully this is somewhat helpful to you.
The sentence 'Studying is when I fall asleep' is an example of dangling modifier. When you read the sentence, you can tell that it does sound awkward. This is because the clause is not clearly related to the word it modifies. Who is studying? How is the action of studying related to the action of falling asleep? Unfortunately, you cannot correct dangling modifiers by simply moving it to a different place in the sentence. You will have to restate the sentence again by saying 'When I study, I fall asleep.' In that way, the doer of the action is clear and the clause gains meaning.
The lottery paints a seemingly happy setting in the first paragraph,
The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.
We get the sense that this small agricultural town is meeting to celebrate some special event. This setting is a form of plot manipulation that underscores the irony behind the dark reasons for the gathering.
What specific details in the first paragraph describe the day on which the lottery takes place? Why do you think the story gives such specific details about the setting–the time and place of the story?