Resumen: La elección de sexo embrionario es una posibilidad biotecnológica que por ser realizada sobre gametos no causa daño al cigoto. La elección del sexo de los hijos podría ser inocua pero, para que fuera libre, debería estar exenta de presiones psicológicas, específicamente de sentimientos de discriminación como síntoma neurótico.
El artículo señala las bases de este síntoma y sus manifestaciones. Existe una gran responsabilidad cuando se toman decisiones que afectan a terceros y es necesario que se realicen con el más alto grado posible de libertad. En este trabajo también se analizan las alternativas, prevención y manejo de la discriminación neurótica.
Palabras clave: discriminación, prejuicio, selección de sexo, embrión
The Eisenhower administration maintained good relations with Castro's Cuba, and tensions did not develop until John Kennedy enlisted the CIA to try to overthrow Castro. The statement that is being presented is FALSE. Eisenhower administrations didn't maintain good relations with Castro's Cuba.
The only answer I found was: The ancient Chinese kings maintained control of their dynasties throguh military means.
You probably go to connections accademy. I do too.
This question is in the Journey Across Time text book on page 231. The answer is on pages 225 - 231.
Besides the two answers above me, I managed to find a reasonable answer:
"Rulers became powerful because they controlled land and had strong armies."
This is all I could find, hope this benefits others who wonder what the answer is!
At this time colonies were viewed as a major factor in determining a nations power internationally and also an engine for economic growth in a mercantilist system. Therefore, arguments in favor of U.S. Imperialism would have been fueled by the power struggle with European nations to exert global influence and dominance. Another major factor that individuals would have argued for was that colonies would have provided new markets and sources for raw materials for the growing US economy. In the end the U.S. did not become a major imperial power which most likely served the nation's power and reputation in the long run.