Show ways that Charlie is getting smarter. What do you notice to show Charlie is gaining intelligence? (spelling, dictionary, ab
stract thought) PROGRESS REPORT 9-April 3
Dr Strauss showed me how to keep the TV turned low so now I can sleep. I
dont hear a thing. And I still dont understand what it says. A few times I play
it over in the morning to find out what I lerned when I was sleeping and I dont
think so. Miss Kinnian says Maybe its another langwidge or something. But
most times it sounds American. It talks so fast faster then even Miss Gold who was my teacher in 6 grade and I remember she talked so fast I coudnt under-
stand her.
I told Dr Strauss what good is it to get smart in my sleep. I want to be
smart when im awake. He says its the same thing and I have two minds.
Theres the subconscious and the conscious (thats how you spell it). And one
dont tell the other one what its doing. They dont even talk to each other. Thats
why I dream. And boy have I been having crazy dreams. Wow. Ever since that
night TV. The late late late late late show.
I forgot to ask him if it was only me or if everybody had those two minds.
(I just looked up the word in the dictionary Dr Strauss gave me. The
word is subconscious. adj. Of the nature of mental operations yet not present
in consciousness; as, subconscious conflict of desires.) Theres more but I still
don't know what it means. This isnt a very good dictionary for d.umb people
like me.
Anyway the headache is from the party. My frends from the factery Joe
Carp and Frank Reilly invited me to go with them to Muggsys Saloon for some
drinks. I dont like to drink but they said we will have lots of fun. I had a good
Joe Carp said I shoud show the girls how I mop out the toilet in the
factory and he got me a mop. I showed them and everyone laffed when I told
that Mr Donnegan said I was the best janiter he ever had because I like my
job and do it good and never come late or miss a day except for my operashun.
I said Miss Kinnian always said Charlie be proud of your job because
you do it good.
Everybody laffed and we had a good time and they gave me lots of drinks
and Joe said Charlie is a card when hes potted. I dont know what that means
but everybody likes me and we have fun. I cant wait to be smart like my best
frends Joe Carp and Frank Reilly.
I donl remember how the party was over but I think I went out to buy
a newspaper and coffe for Joe and Frank and when I came back there was
no one their. I looked for them all over till late. Then I dont remember so good
but I think I got sleepy or sick. A nice cop brot me back home. Thats what
my landlady Mrs Flynn says.
But I got a headache and a big lump on my head and black and blue all
over. I think maybe I fell but Joe Carp says it was the cop they beat up drunks
some times. I don't think so. Miss Kinnian says cops are to help people.
Anyway I got a bad headache and 1m sick and hurt all over. I dont think III
drink anymore.
I think the main theme that is best expressed in "The Gift of the Magi" is love. The reason why I think this is because Jim and Della were willing to make each other happy and they showed that the wealth of love makes up for the poor.