Rosa Parks--
Known as " The Mother of The Modern Day Civil Rights Movement " --
She was also an African American Woman, Who did not give up her seat--
to an " American Passenger " , She was then arrested for breaking ONE of the ( many ) laws, her arrest then began to make alot of buses ( srry couldnt really think ) From the city that inspired many other ppl to take a stand against unfair laws.
( Rosa Parks )
She was born in Alabama, she also grew up on a small farm. During her childhood, she was frighted by the Ku Klux Klan ( some kind of group )
riding in the night, she was very afraid that this group of ppl would burn down her house. She went to a African American school that was barely open 5 months a year, and it went up to sixth grade. She married a civil rights activist named Raymond Parks. With her husbands support, She graduated high school in 1934. They both worked for the NAACP. She fought for equal rights her whole life. She received hundreds of awards in her life time.