Italians for all smuggling, guntrade, alcohol trade, rackets etc
Asians 'cause of the conflict with Japan in World War 2 eg: Pearl Harbour, Hiroshima/Nagasaki nukes.
Spanish. America have always hated the spanish.
Russians due to the clash of left/right wing politics.
The Iroquois was a civilization of Indians located in present day New York that was a military confederacy built up of 5 nations. The Pueblo Indians were a group that lived in the Rio Grande Valley and traded from the Appalachians to the Rockies. The creeks and the Cherokee were Southeast Indian tribes located along the Atlantic. The Cherokee were located in present day Georgia. These Indians also had a major impact on the coming European settlers as well as other tribes in North America. The Cherokee and the Creek especially were important in welcoming refugees from tribes that had lost too many people to maintain their identity.
Many subjects like math, biology etc