this is the correct answer
The expression of this question can be given as:
*ip + 1
In this question, it is given that ip variable has been declared and initialized and the ip variable is in the first half of the array. It finds the expression whose value is after the element of the array that ip points. So the expression to this question is *ip + 1. Where * is used to define ip variable as a pointer and its value is increased by 1 that is given in the question.
import re
with open("../../Downloads/Tweets.txt","r", encoding="utf-8") as tweets:
myfile = tweets.readlines()
for item in myfile:
item = item.rstrip()
mylist = re.findall("^RT (.*) ", item)
if len(mylist) !=0:
for line in mylist:
if line.count("#") >=1:
ln = line.split("#")
dm = ln[1]
The python source code filters the document file "Tweets" to return all tweets with a hashtag flag, discarding the rest.
Answered below
The next line is 1.
The python count function returns the number of times an element appears in a tuple or a list.
In the tupleB tuple, 7 is passed into the count function. The number of times 7 appears in tupleB is just once alongside 5, 2.7, 10 and 5. Therefore, the count function returns 1 in the next line.