As many of us know, Bill Monroe is a great musician. He also knows how to play a mandolin. Through writing a song, he made a new genre of music called bluegrass. As most of the people would tag him as the father of blueggrass. His family, mother and brother loves to play music, so no wonder , even though Bill was still a child, he loved music and inclined to it.
The correct option is: "OPPRESSIVE"
Friedrich Engels was a philosopher, sociologist, journalist, revolutionary and German socialist theoretician. Engels was the son of the owner of a major textile factory in Manchester, England. Friend and collaborator of Karl Marx, was coauthor with this works like The situation of the working class in England (1845) and the Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848), fundamental for the birth of Marxism and the socialist, communist and union. He was political leader of the First International (1864) and the Second International (1889). He also helped Marx financially to publish Capital in 1867, and after his death, he edited the second and third volumes. In addition, Engels organized the notes of Marx to compose Theories on surplus value, which he later published as "fourth volume" of Capital.
C.They are elected by qualified voters.
Escaping slavery would have been much more deadly and difficult without help from people along the way.
One of the most well-known organized networks of escape is the so-called Underground Railroad. Actually, white people (such as Quakers) were the ones who helped slaves not only leave their owners, but also survive and find sanctuary in the Northern states or Canada through informal abolitionist associations.
Yes, that's in fact true.