A. Joy, my youngest sister, won the state spelling bee. doesn't that just sound better?
Compound word
If you combine any 2 words and it makes a senseful word even though the meaning might be completely different,it is called a compound word. An example is Butter and Fly combined form butterfly. All 3 are proper english words. However is the combination doesnt make sense, it is called gibberish
We teachers are going on vacation together. You may go with us teachers. My sister and I are going to visit Grandma. She can't go with him and her.5. They and we all did well on the project.6. My father sent Debbie and me a card.7. The teacher wrote detentions for him and me.8. A package arrived for us kids.9. Don't hold this against Nicki and me.10. The teacher called on him and her.11. We are going to have pizza with the boys and her.12. He and I are going out to dinner.13. There was a tie between her and him.14. He and the clerk got into an argument.15. They and the girls are following us.16. The students and I are having a good day.17. Us and they are playing the final match.18. I wrote a letter to him and her.19. I like to ride with John and her.20. The principal was staring at them and us.
The title of a short story is essentially the attention grabber of the story, if the title is uninteresting it will receive less attention than a title that is interesting.<span />