1. M.A.I.N. = Mania, Animosity, Idolatry and Nuance
2. Idolatry was a main cause of Worl War One because people put their leader above all others priot to the war. BAsically saying my dad can beat up your dad but on a much larger scale.
3. Nuance - Since all of the countries in europe spoke different languages, people in the different countries could not understand what each ther was saying. It's like reading a text from your BFF, you think they are mad but in reality they aren't. It's all in the interpretation of what they are saying
I believe the answer is: 3. The canals and temples in the city show advanced engineering skills.
The site shows that the Aztec civilization had developed a very advanced irrigation system that utilize different elevation to obtain water for their agricultural field. Their system was later adopted by the spanish empire who invaded their territory.
They opened fire on boycoters
bauxite, coal, iron ore, copper, tin, gold, silver, uranium, nickel, tungsten, rare earth elements, mineral sands, lead, zinc, diamonds, natural gas, petroleum
I think it the first on but i’m not completely sure