Atahualpa was the ruler of Quito and subsequently ruled the Inca Empire before Spanish conquest. During the Spanish conquest, Atahualpa offered to fill a large room with gold and silver as a ransom to regain his freedom and to avoid being killed by the Spaniards. Despite paying this ransom, Atahualpa was then executed by the conqueres as he was deemed too much of a liability. Before being executed he converted to Catholocism and was strangled to death.
Explorer because you explore geographical regions
Two daily contributions to the population should include Food and sustenance. Sustenance is food or drink that allows you to continue to be alive. It serves as your source of strength to wake up everyday and do work.
An example of the Judicial Branch checking the power of another branch is best represented by the system of checks and balances.
To avoid overpowering of any one branch over the other branch functioning in a democracy, the system of checks and balances is put into place. This system allows the branches to experience a balance of power between all three.
It is because all the three branches supervise each other for their actions to be democratic.