Ok then... weird assignment... but i'm trying to rank up... if you would give me one that would be aprecated... thank you
Explanation: my old account got deleted by my younger cousin
I believe the answer is:
A. The framers added the Bill Of Rights through the amendment process.
The Bill of Rights was made in order to give people a peace of mind. When government was being created in the US the colonies were worried that a single person would take power, like the king of England and take away their rights as citizens. In order to prevent people from being worried. They added a Bill of Rights. A rule of rights that each citizen of the United States would have.
selling goods to Asia
If you look these up on Quizlet the answers are there or you can look them up on a trustable social studies sight.
In a group of city-states, each city-state is independent and rules by its own king. No central power controlled all of the city-states. In an empire, consisting of a nation and the city-states and nations it has conquered, one ruler is in control.