Shakespeare has skilfully brought out the parallels between the life of man and actors on stage. Elaborate this statement with reference to the poem. Shakespeare considers the whole world a stage where men and women are only actors. ... Shakespeare says that every man has seven stages during his life time.
you're ignoring me
Yukiko treats patients who are pregnant and going through childbirth. Her job title is best described as "obstetrician".
Clark works in a hospital, where he responds to patients needs, transports patients, and cleans equipment and rooms. His job title is best described as "Nursing assistant"
Tammy schedules appointments for patients and performs basic clinical tasks such as measuring patients' height and weight. Her job title is best described as "Medical assistant"
Russ is a doctor who specializes in treating children’s illnesses and injuries. His job title is best described as "Pediatricians"
The first book's title sowing relates to the events, characters, and themes in the sense that Dickens was concerned with the miserable lives of the poor and working classes in the England of his day. He called this first book of the Hard Times novel "Sowing" because he is introducing the characters and it is like their personalities are being planted by all the institutions that are part of industrialization. Dickens thinks that industrialization is harmful to the minds and morality of the working classes because humans are turned into machines and they are schooled to suppress the development of their emotions and imagination.