C- reversal is used to show clover, representing the people, has changed ideals
do. You need a present tense ( a simple verb at that)
Did is past
done is also past as in Done meaning completed after it was started a while ago.
to do is an infinitive. You need a simple present tense verb. To go where no man has gone before.
To do what no one has attempted before.
It would be C
Reason: Because in paragraph three it mentions, they sting in 3 seconds, they attack in large numbers and can cause allergic reactions
-What is a literary device used in Beowulf?
- Do you think flashback or forshadow is used in Beowulf?
-What do you think is the technique used by the author to presage what happens in Beowulf?
The foreshadowing technique is very important to provide continuity and verisimilitude to the plot, so that the reader feels that things don't just happen unexpectedly: it prepares the reader to accept what is to come. It is also essential to create tension and expectation in the reader. An omen that anticipates that something terrible is about to happen will make it impossible for the reader to detach from your book.
And finally, we use foreshadowing for aesthetic reasons. Because we like to find parallels between the beginning and the end of a novel. Perhaps also because we like things to happen for a reason, because fiction reflects a need to find a deeper meaning to what happens to us.
it is a way to organise segments