The first main phase of the 'Great Unrest' began with the rapid escalation of discontent in the South Wales oalfields. In this area wages were fixed not by individual or collective bargaining but by the price of coal. ... Discontent also simmered around the issue of 'small coal'.
I think it's "Howe is upset when he receives the letter" because the first one say how the judges thought his work was fine but it says in the inference that they didn't like it and the 2nd one doesn't really make sense to the inference.
Which device costs the most for them to make isn't an example of consumer data. Might want to wait for another response though.
If the question was phrased in a way that compared consumer purchases relative to cost of product, then It would be consumer analysis.
ok look this is what i do promise this is no spam but in my test unite test too i look up a q and if something called qizzlet pops up i use that because it will have ALL the answers so this is no spam or anything but go to this link i dont know if this is the answers u are look for but if u click Ctrl f just like that a box will pop up then go to the q copy and past it in that box on the other page after u click the line and it should high light it and tell u the answer
ive done it before
here is the link
https:// quizlet. com /414119173/ online-flash-cards/
umm ok didnt work so i had to edit it so bye the // take that space out same with the one / too and take the space out of the. and com