Qin Shi Huang, decided that he wanted a single giant wall to protect his northern borders.
I think the death penalty is perfectly fine but it depends on the situation. If a persons robs a house or a store then they shouldn't get the death penalty but if they kill someone, they should be returned the favor. Once a murderer, always a murderer.
Salt I(strategic arms limitation treaty): the treaty froze the deployment ofintercontinental ballistic missiles and placed limits on antiballistic missiles
salt I(strategic arms limitation treaty): did not alter thestockpiling of more dangerous vehicles
salt I(strategic arms limitation treaty): did not end thearms race between us and ussr(but was giant step toward that goal)
salt I(strategic arms limitation treaty): importance is that itreduced tensions between us and ussr
One reason why this is believable is because di Coppo Di Stefano Buonaiuti was in Florence at the time when the Black Death hit Florence in 1338. One reason why this passage isn't believable is because he was only two when it happened so might not remember it all.
George Washington's primary goal as commander-in-chief of the continental Army was to avoid decisive military losses.