Which quotation supports the point that the crew respects Odysseus and follows his orders? “They tied me up, then, plumb / amids
hips, back to the mast, lashed to the mast, / and took themselves again to rowing.” “Soon, / as we came smartly within hailing distance, / the two Sirens, noting our fast ship / off their point, made ready, and they sang” “This way, oh turn your bows, / Achaea’s glory, / As all the world allows– / Moor and be merry.”
"They tied me up, then, plumb / amidships, back to the mast, lashed to the mast, / and took themselves again to rowing."
In Homer's "The Odysseus," the crew tie Odysseus so that the incredibly charming song of the sirens does not make him lose his mind, crash the ship against some rocks and drown himself. As a result, he asked his men (who had beewax in their ears) to tie him to the mast.
it might change the plot of the story by the character is at one place and he/she lost or forgot something so they have to go back an get it or find it.