To turn a mixed number into an improper fraction, you have to multiply the denominator with the whole number and add the numerator to the result. The denominator doesn't change.
The denominator is 4. The whole number is 2. Multiply:

The numerator is 3. Add that to the product of the denominator and whole number.

The denominator stays the same. The denominator is 4. Make it as a fraction(improper).

Your answer is 
Option A) is correct.
Step-by-step explanation:
The final cost of a sale item is determined by multiplying the price on the tag by 75%.
So. if the final cost is represented by $F and the price on the tag is $t, then the relation between F and t will be
F = 0.75t.
This relation is linear since the ratio of the change in the final cost compared to the rate of change in the price tag is constant.
Therefore, option A) is correct. (Answer)
Since the triangle is equilateral, all its angles are equal to 60°
AO is the bisector⇒∠OAD = 30°
AO AO is the hypotenuse, ∠OAD = 30°⇒
By the Pythagorean theorem

Answer: A)
P.S. Hello from Russia and sorry for my bad english :^)
The answer you are looking for is A. 7.00. The cost of the item should be $6.00 as the tax should be $0.48. Making the total cost of the item $6.48.
The above mentioned qualities go under the category of abilities.
Step-by-step explanation:
Lily does a self-inventory to find out theat she has knowledge of Excel , proficiency in bookkeeping and training in customer service .
Ability is used to refer a person's native aptitude in a specific field.
Ability can also be trained and honed and can be made better with practice.
All of Lily's qualities mentioned come under the same above mentioned specifications. All her talents can be trained and can be bettered.
Hence her qualities come under the category of abilities.