Enlightenment with answers
1. 2
Supported reforms
Believed in natural rights and religious toleration Viewed themselves as servants of their state
4. 3
Which statement represents a key idea directly associated with John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government?
1. Freedomofspeechshouldbedenied.
2. Theking’spoweronEarthcomesfromGod.
3. Allpeoplearebornwiththerighttolife,liberty,
and property.
4. Individualsactingintheirownself-interestwill
achieve economic success.
5. 4
Base your answer to the question on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.
...The document so frantically cobbled together was stunning in its sweep and simplicity. Never once mentioning king, nobility, or church, it declared the “natural, inalienable and sacred rights of man” to be the foundation of any and all government. It assigned sovereignty to the nation, not the king, and pronounced everyone equal before the law, thus opening positions to talent and merit and implicitly eliminating all privilege based on birth. More striking than any particular guarantee, however, was the universality of the claims made. References to “men,” “man,” “every man,” “all men,” “all citizens,” “each citizen,” “society,” and “every society” dwarfed the single reference to the French people....
—Lynn Hunt, Inventing Human Rights: A History, W. W. Norton & Company
This passage discusses ideals most directly associated with the
1. Golden Age of Islam 3. Reformation 2. Reign of Charlemagne 4. Enlightenment
In the 18th century, European leaders that fit these characteristics were best known as
1. theocratic monarchs 2. enlightened despots
3. totalitarian dictators 4. prime ministers
2. 4
Which writer opposed political absolutism?
1. NiccolòMachiavelli
2. JamesI
3. Jacques-BénigneBossuet 4. JohnLocke
3. 1
Which idea is central to John Locke’s Two Treatises of Government?
1. Agovernment’spowercomesfromtheconsent