the Islamic empire was united through militarily conquest, trade, pilgrimage and missionaries
The revelation of the Holocaust was a shocking event to the world but the respond of the allied power to the problem was limited. The immigration laws of the Allied countries like Britain and the United States of America prevented Jews to enter these nations. The quota system prevented many to take refuge in these countries. Even after the revelation of the holocaust the efforts were limited to save Jews. Their aim was still preoccupied by Hitler's forces and the many Jews perished in the hope of help only.
The final solution was the Nazis' answer to a problem that they didn't have. It consisted of demonizing and persecuting people they didn't like, and then working them, starving them, and killing them. Roughly six million Jews died during the Nazi Holocaust.
Purpose of the Constitution. The primary purpose of the Constitution is to provide a sense of direction to the organization of the three branches of the U.S. Government. The draft outlines the individual and combined powers of each branch, while reserving the rights of each individual state.