What is the difference between an internal influence and an external influence as described by the Consumer Value Framework (CVF)?
- Consumer value framework represents consumer behaviour theory illustrating factors that shape consumption-related behaviours and ultimately determine the value associated with consumption.Internal and external influence are both two important factors in the consumer value framework. Internal influence represents things that processed inside the mind of the consumer or can be thought as a part of the consumer. It consists of consumer psychology: learning, implicit memory, intuition, information processing, perception, information processing, categorization, attitudes; and personality of consumer: motivation, personal values, personality, lifestyle, emotional expressiveness, and emotional intelligence.The internal influence appears in the need recognition of the consumption making decision process. The personality and psychology of consumer determine the needs and wants, even preference of the consumption. For instance, consumers want to buy new cars, first of all, the need appears, and then they have to choose a brand or what kinds of cars they are looking for. Some consumers like the sports car, otherwise, some consumers are more into SUV and so on. These consumption decisions are depend on the consumers’ personality and psychology. Each of them has the different perspective.External influence include the social and cultural aspects of life as a consumer. Social environment are elements that specifically deal with the way other peopleinfluence consumer decision making and value. Such as social class, family influence,culture and cultural values, acculturation/ enculturation and reference groups and peerinfluence. Situational influence are things unique to a time or place that can affectconsumer decision making and the value received from consumption. For example,atmospherics, time/timing, conditions.The external influences directly impact the value of activities. It appears in theinformation searching stage of the consumption decision making process. For example,when a consumer want to buy a new car, and he is struggling with the brand betweenToyota and Land Rover, the social groups like friends, families who has bought those cars,they can directly influence the consumer’s consumption decision and feelings aboutthose brands. Relationship quality—consumer loyalty
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public goods
Public goods are often provided by the state and are availabe to all citizens, open to use by all and usually pose economical challenges when tackling how financing of them is carried.
According to mainstream economics, all public goods are available to people without paying for it, and the availability is set to all.
<em>Think of a tourist who without paying enjoys public lighting, clean air, and parks that are built in a land where he doesn't belong.</em>
<em>The people living in a neighborhood will enjoy from the services that the local government provides and often compromise larger goods: public schools, national defense, and investment in environmental needs.</em>
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