For the introduction use the one about seatbelts and for the body paragragh use first one! HOPE IT HELPS!!!! <3
And the will therein lieth, which dieth not. Who knoweth the mysteries of the will, with its vigor? For God is but a great will pervading all things by nature of its intentness. Man doth not yield himself to the angels, not unto death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.
Poe was obsessed by death, especially by the fear of death, as can be seen in so many of his poems and stories. In "The Masque of the Red Death" he seems to be symbolzing the universal human fear of death and the many ways by which people try to avoid--not dying--but facing the fact of dying. With Poe this fear seems to have been heightened by his loss of faith in traditional religious beliefs, a phenomena which was becoming widespread in the Western world with the incursions of science.
"The Masque of the Red Death" seems to be intended to depict allegorically people's attempts to avoid facing the terrible fact that death will claim all of them and take away everything they own and everything they love. The refugees seal themselves up in a fortress and indulge in pleasure-seeking, with all sorts of sounds and spectacles intended primarily to distract them from thinking about the fact that everyone is dying all around them. But it is futile. Death is inescapable. He appears among them without having been impeded in the slightest by the walls and gates and claims all of them. Their luxury and revelry was all pointless and meaningless. There is no escape. The story is popular because readers easily understand the meaning behind the metaphors.
A regulation is "B. rule or law
A regulation is a rule or directive made and maintained by authority
In the book "A long walk to water", the additional members that joined Salva’s group are from Jurchol Tribe.
'A Long Walk to Water' is story which is partially based on true story of Salva Dut. He was a Somalian from the Dinka tribe who wanted to escape the war that had destroyed his land. So, he trekked across his country and entered Ethiopia. Though they had no idea where they were going, had no food to eat but they kept moving. Salva was joined by a neighbouring tribe, Jurchol.
Salva led a group which had around 1,500 “lost boys”. They walked miles for more than 18 months through desert and three countries. Then they reached “Kakuma refugee camp” in North Kenya. Only 1,200 boys could reach Kenya. From here they got a sponsorship to go to U.S. in 1996.