The American Dream is the the dream lifestyle of all Americans. This dream includes having a spouse, a good job, kids and a house. During the 1920's it was possible for a large family to survive off of the income of one provider. Now in modern day, a large family couldn't possible afford to survive on one income. Due to low minimum wage and job outsourcing. The average American dosen't have a enough money to fulfill the American dream.
The President is Joe Biden, and the Vice President is Kamala Harris. The Obamas, Bushes, and Clintons attended Biden's inauguration. It felt good, it felt good knowing we're going to have a president who doesn't inspire extremists to break into the Capital. It felt good, it felt good knowing that we'll be able to laugh with the President and not at him. It felt good, it felt good knowing we'll have someone who treats the virus like a virus and not a hoax. It felt good, it felt good knowing we have a President who acts like an adult and doesn't spend five hours using Twitter daily. It felt good, it felt good knowing we have a real president now, and not a failed actor.
Thank goodness.
In "The Yellow Wallpaper," Charlotte Perkins Gilman uses the character of Jane to describe the adverse effects of the rest cure. This woman, who goes unnamed for most of the story, is suffering from a mental illness. Most likely, she is suffering from postpartum depression.
[See Below]
Everything should be right except 7, which would be Hasty generalization