Living in a free state should make him a free man.
In the landmark case <em>Dread Scott v. Sandford</em>, known as Dread Scott case, the enslaved African American man, Dred Scott fought for his freedom. Scott was born into slavery in Virginia but had been living in Illinois and Wisconsin with his owners for more than four years at the time of the case in 1846. <u>He demanded his freedom on the grounds that these two states declared Missouri Compromise, and prohibited slavery, which would mean Scott is living as a free man in a free state.</u>
The case reached US Supreme Court which declared that the constitution does not claim citizenship for African Americans, whether they are free or slaves, which would mean Scott can’t fight for his rights and he does not have a claim over them. The court, therefore, declared black people aren’t US citizens and never could gain their rights as one.
This decision was one of the contributing factors to the outbreak of the American Civil War in 1861.