I would say that the probable order of the cartographic events would be 1) a first attempt at a world map in the 5th and 6th centuries 2) the travels of Marco Polo 3) the Mercator projection in the mid 1500's and finally the 4) Robinson projection in 1963.
Answer: Although both salons and coffeehouses had these characteristics, key differences were in place
Conscription, or draft, is the mandatory, or forceful enlistment of people into a service, usually in the military, if not, in community programs.
the want to sing surfers writing novel about John's life I don't like it because we can't you ask Google they will give you immediately
Answer: In the 1960s, government had great faith in fiscal policy -- manipulation of government revenues to influence the economy. Since spending and taxes are controlled by the president and the Congress, these elected officials played a leading role in directing the economy.