Grendel fears Hrothgar because of the Shaper. The Shaper has made Hrothgar so much more of a magnificent figure than he was before. In sense, the Shaper "shaped" Hrothgar's feats and reputation to a more amplified one, making Grendel fear the new and great Hrothgar by the skill of poetry and speech.
The correct answer of the given question above would be the last option. The sad event that led to a beneficial one for Jo and Fritz is that, Amy's daughter was sick.
This question is about the the Little Woman. Hope this is the answer that you are looking for. Thanks for posting your question.
C. The son witnessed his father's demise until his death. The father left the son the estate, but what mattered most was the hat.
I believe the answer is Disarranged. meaning it was sloppy, and scattered