Yes everything is correct except in #4 you should change "is" to "are".
This day and age young teenagers can’t function without they’re electronics. They’ve grown up without having to be without them. In a young mind that the only way of doing anything. No one can deny it hasn’t helped make things sucks as communication easier, but there is a way to live without them. Phone haven’t been around forever much less this advanced
im pretty sure the answer is A
Here's some details and/or arguments you can include in you body paragraphs:
-Helps with school
-easy access to the virtual world
-Easier to communicate with friends when you are not together
-Good for online school
-You can bring it pretty much anywhere
-higher efficiency and productivity of staff.
-the quality and flexibility of service you offer your customers.
-the ability to accept payments wirelessly.
-increased ability to communicate in and out of the workplace.
-greater access to modern apps and services.
-improved networking capabilities.