It depends. It could be 2 am and 14:00 pm if it's on a mechanical clock
Answer: Tau
NFTs or neurofibrillary tangles are insoluble twisted fibers. The tangles are abnormal accumulation that collect inside neurons. Their presence is also found in other diseases such as tauopathies. Statins have been shown to reduce neurofibrillary tangles in mouse models. Lithium has been shown to decrease the phosphorylation of tau. The tau protein is primary maker Alzheimer's disease.
the Moon is smaller than Earth. Only the people in the Umbra will see the sun go totally dark.
Explanation: N/A
Please find the answers CAPITALIZED below.
Mercury's SURFACE strongly resembles that of EARTH's SURFACE, with very large impact CRATERS
Mercury, the second densest of all planets shares an exterior similarity with the Earth's moon. Given the rough-like exterior feature of the moon, Mercury surface is scarred by craters due to the collisions of comets and meteroids.
The nurse should perform the ABC's, which starts out with A- Airway B- Breathing, and C- Circulation, if any of these are not within normal limits then the child will be given a dose of epinephrine (1/1,000) .3mg IM, Benadryl 25/50 mg followed by a dose of solumedrol