May have chances of getting diseases.
Is this true or false if it’s is than this is a true fact
Punishment is when you give one basic bad thing that comes out of a negative action you do. Examples of this can be with kids giving a time out for yelling or giving them a spanking for saying a curse word. Negative reinforcement is showing them many small things someone can't do, do to a negative action that they MAY do, but hasn't been done yet. More examples would be because a child didn't want to finish their dinner A parent may tell they they can't have TV time and do desert. More often than not anyways a punishment is a physical negative effect after doing something bad. Negative reinforcement is more twords verbal warnings before but can be after where things are taken away due to being bad, like a silent treatment.
The largest river in the world is the Amazon River, 4,345 miles in length located in South America.
“Her feelings she hides, her dreams she can’t find. She’s losing her mind. She’s fallen behind. She can’t find her place. She’s losing her faith. She’s fallen from grace. She’s all over the place.”
<em>ok so basicly this is saying she hides what she is really feeling, she dosent feel like she belongs and she dosent feel like shes loved by god anymore</em>