Golly this one sure is hard. It eliminated the need for mail to be carried via roads or rail lines, and things (and people) could be carried directly to the destination's nearest airport instead of all the way down the winding roads to it.
James Madison is known as the "Father of the Constitution."
We send out ships to go visit different countries because ships in a foreign countrys which enables it to avoid the regulations of the owners country
It was led by a dictator.
Great Britain.
The foregoing is an excerpt from Thomas Paine's prose on the separation of the United State of America from the "whims and caprices" of Great Britain. The prose emphasized that the relationship between England and America at that time was unequally yoked, and this was not meant to be. The author was of the view that there was an urgent need for separation of the two countries. According to him, even nature supports his argument, considering the proximity between the two countries and the time both countries were discovered.