The Archaic Period saw the development of the foundations of Egyptian society, including the all-important ideology of kingship. To the ancient Egyptians, the king was a godlike being, closely identified with the all-powerful god Horus. The earliest known hieroglyphic writing also dates to this period.
Both speeches focus on the history of fighting for a cause leading up to the Civil War. The US was built on revolutionary spirit and men's lives lost for the bigger idea of freedom. The deaths of the men will mean something because the cause of the war means something.
These addresses revitalized the Union effort and reminded the men of the long history they were now a part of. They stand on the side of freedom and that will be meaningful. This dedicate brought up morale in Union forces.
Francesco Petrarca (Italian:1304 - 1374), commonly anglicized as Petrarch, was a scholar and poet of Renaissance Italy who was one of the earliest humanists.
His rediscovery of Cicero's letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Renaissance. Petrarch is often considered the founder of Humanism.
In the 16th century, Pietro Bembo created the model for the modern Italian language based on Petrarch's works, as well as those of Giovanni Boccaccio, and, to a lesser extent, Dante Alighieri. Petrarch would be later endorsed as a model for Italian style by the Accademia della Crusca.
Petrarch interact with others through literature. He spent a great part of his life seeking out, transcribing, editing, elucidating and making available the surviving works of Roman classical literature, and it was for this and for his letters and his biographies of famous Romans written in Latin that he himself above all expected to be remembered.
He is referring to the policies of colonialism that were widespread. He was British and visited many of the British colonies, but spent a lot of his time in India. These were all lands that Britain had previously colonized and he is referring to the colonization that was predominantly done by white people from Europe.
They would blame them because they wouldn't be free. The colonies were getting "bettered" because they got technology and similar things, but they were blamed because the colonists didn't have independence and freedom and were stripped of their resources and natural wealth which was common at the time.