On May 4, 1886, a labor protest rally near Chicago's Haymarket Square turned into a riot after someone threw a bomb at police. At least eight people died as a result of the violence that day. Despite a lack of evidence against them, eight radical labor activists were convicted in connection with the bombing.
These benefits included forgiveness of debts and interest payments, protection of property and family, even different courts of justice for those crusaders who commit criminal acts.
I would say B) and D) apply to some of the differences between a Prime Minister and a President and also A). In addition, a Prime Minister is head of the government but may not be head of the state which may be a President in the same country or perhaps a Governor General.
One of the major changes was the construction of the transcontinental railroad that finished in 1869. Railroads created an increased demand in manufacturing since the businesses could now produce and sell in larger amounts.
While major business were moving forward economically, farmers were experiencing negative changes in their lifestyles. Even though the farmers were still putting in the same amount of work, the prices of their crops were decreasing.
Industrialization also had a major impact on the lives of women and children. Women were subjected to work the same amount of hours as men, however they got paid half of the men wages.
And the last major group of people that suffered from industrialization were the Native Americans. As the railroad use became more common, many people moved westward and destroyed the Native American homes.
The first World War began as a local war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia in 1914. It grew into a war involving 32 countries. The Allies included Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States. These countries fought against the Central Powers which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria.Archduke Ferdinand, of Austria-Hungary, was assassinated by a Serb on June 28, 1914. This was the formal start of the war, although the countries had problems with each other before that. The countries of Britain, France and Germany had all grown strong and had large armies. They all wanted to sell their products to foreign countries. Several times Britain and France had been in strong arguments with Germany over markets in Africa. Europe was divided into two groups who were hostile to each other.After the assassination, Austria declared war on Serbia. A few days later, Germany declared war on Russia, then on France. As the war progressed, other countries took sides and declared war. Finally the United States entered the war against Germany on April 6, 1917.