<h3>Hello! If this answer doesn’t fulfill all of your questions, or it doesn’t have the exact information you are looking for, I apologize. But, I will try to help you to my best ability! <3</h3><h3 /><h2>Answer:</h2><h3>Self sacrifice for the sake of abolishing slavery especially, women's slavery.</h3><h3 /><h3>Again, hope this helps! Good luck! :D</h3><h3 /><h3>~!+~!+~!+!+~!+~!+~!+~+!+~+!+~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+~!+~+!+~+!~+!+~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+~!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~+!~</h3>
I think the correct answer is c
The answer is 1918' or if you are going to the nearest decade that would be the 1920's.
Spices (a luxury good) among other things, but spices is the most important