The correct sequencing of DNA nucleotides to match A, T, T, G, C is T, A, A, C, G because the nucleotide matches are: Adenine-Thymine, and Guanine-Cytosine. This works both ways, A-T or T-A, and G-C or C-G. The correct sequence therefore is A.
There are 64 fish, 8 ducks and 4 turtles.
From the question, there can be from 2 to 99 fish in the pond. However, there cannot be fractions in the number of fish, ducks or turtles. Hence, the number of fish must have both of a perfect square and perfect cube. The perfect squares from 2 to 99 are 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64 and 81. The perfect cubes from 2 to 99 are 8, 27 and 64. Since only 64 fits both criteria, the number of fish is 64. The number of ducks is the square root of number of fish, which is the square root of 64. The square root of 64 can be either positive 8 or negative 8. However, there cannot be negative numbers, so there are 8 ducks in total. The number of turtles is the cube root of the number of fish, which is the cube root of 64 and it is 4.
a shallow recess, especially one in a wall to display a statue or other ornament.
La ecología es <u>la ciencia que estudia la interacción entre los seres vivos y el ecosistema.</u> Esto incluye la interacción entre todos los factores tanto bióticos, o vivos, como abióticos, no vivos.
Por ejemplo, la ecología podría estudiar la manera en que un venado interactúa con su entorno: cual es su principal fuente de alimento, el rol que juega en el ecosistema, las adaptaciones que ha desarrollado para vivir en dicho entorno, etc.
Debido a que la materia inerte es considerada un factor abiótico o no vivo, esto no correspondería al área de la ecología. Por ende, este enunciado <u>es falso</u>.