Commerce Server
An application program that runs on a server tier computer. A typical commerce server obtains product data from a database, manages items in users' shopping carts, and coordinates the checkout process.
userInput = input("Please enter a string of words ")
userInput.split ()
for item in userInput.split ():
if item =="darn":
Using Python programming language, the input function is used to receive the users input and save in a variable userInput
Then the .split method is used to convert the words into a list of words.
Using a for loop, the code checks for the word darn and prints censored if it exists else it prints the userInput
<span>The step of opening a file creates a connection between a file and a program.Opening an output file usually creates the file on the disk and allows the program to write data to it.Opening an input file allows the program to read data from the file.</span>