central Asia's top religions are: Islam being number one, christianity and Buddhism, following after. the languages spoken in central asia are:Uzbek, Kazakh, Tajik, Turkmen, and Kyrgyz.
east asia's top religions are: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, and Zoroastrianism.
the languages spoken there are: Mandarin Cantonese Minnan Thai Burmese and Vietnamese
Eastern europe's top religions: christianity, Islam, and atheism
langagues spoken in eastern europe: Bulgarian Belarusian Czech Georgian
A demand schedule generally focuses on overall demand of a product or service. That is, in units or monetary value. This could be over time, yearly, quarterly, or semianually.
The correct answer is: A lower performer.
In organizational settings, low performers are usually individuals who had the potential to be top performers, but voluntarily or involuntarily sabotage themselves and end up under-achieving.
They usually criticize work-place and blame other colleagues when things go wrong.
They are willing to do the minimum necessary to keep the job and usually are not very pro-active and diligent.
In this particular case, Kyongji is slightly more productive than Bernadette but she refuses to work overtime, often expresses negative opinions about the organization, and is often late. Bernadette is often willing to work overtimeand seldom misses work. Kyongji is probably a lower performer than Bernadette.