Humans must unlearn their greediness in order to live in harmony with all the other animals and creatures. When we do everything in order to better ourselves and not the people around us, we are forgetting our basic human instinct. Humans view the world as their to own, rule, and ruin. This is not the case, as the world is owned equally by every animal.
I hope this helps! :)
D. He decided to let the term of the National Bank end hope this helps
Ap human geography? Ahaha, i just studied this in the class. Basically the two major branches of Islam are the Sunnis and the Shi'ites. Shi'ites believe that Islam should be led by descendants of Muhammad, while Sunnis believe that the leader of Islam should be appointed by election and consensus. Sunnis make up 84 to 90 percent of the world's Muslims. The word Sunnirefers to the words and actions of Muhammad. The Sunnis try to follow Muhammad's example of how to live as a Muslim. This is the relationship between the two branches then, and now, it's still the same.
As for the reason why they split, is because they have different opinions on who should be the leader of Islam.
Hope that helped you!
The U.S using nuclear weapons to end World War II.
The arms race went hand in hand with the Cold War, which took place 20 or so years after World War II. It was a tense situation and resulted in the U.S. and Russia stockpiling nuclear weapons as a means of protection. When America used two atomic bombs on Japan, the devastation it caused led other countries to be concerned if they were going to be next.
As someone who was too young at the time to fully appreciate the complexities of the political process at the time, I never understood why the Equal Rights Amendment was never passed. On the one hand, it seems a no-brainer, a basic statement of obvious human rights. However, trying to research online the reasons why it wasn't passed produces a whole bunch of feminist fruitcakery, including some who insist the amendment technically passed and is in effect. The original support for the amendment was among conservative women, while labor unions and "New Deal" types virulently opposed it an exact flip flop of the typical cliches and stereotypes of the political left and right.
My idle speculation is that the trouble stems from the second clause of the amendment as proposed: "The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article." That seems, in an era when people are arguing the constitutionality of mandating health insurance coverage, a loophole big enough through which to ram all sorts of trouble.