With CIDR (Common Internet Domain Routing), the first decimal number isn't important any more. The /24 netmask means that there's one octet (256) numbers that aren't part of the network number. The .0 address is the network number itself and .255 is the broadcast address of the network, so that leaves 254 available node numbers, but one of those has to be a router or else the machines can't communicate with other networks.
Answer: B and E
Responsive display ads and uploaded image ads
A responsive display ad is an advert that can automatically adjust its size and format to suits any available ad space. Responsive display ads are the default ad type for the Google Display Network.
While the uploaded image ads AMPHTML (Accelerated Mobile Pages) is just perfect for mobile devices as it loads faster than other type of ads.
in america we are free to say most of whatever we want in media becuase we have free speech here. in other countries, they don't have freedom of speech,and sometimes it also has to do with the political situation. like say in china, where teenagers arent allowed to use the internet for more than a certain amount of time,and arent allowed to talk to each other. thats becuase of the fact that that country is a communist country and the government wants much more control than in other countries.
Computer hacking<span> refers to the practice of modifying or altering </span>computer<span> software and hardware to accomplish a goal that is considered to be outside of the creator's original objective.
“bot,” is a computer under the control of a hacker <span>without the knowledge of the computer user.</span>