A list is a collection where the elements are stored in the ordered sequence and it allows access to each of he elements by its position in the sequence. It allows duplicate values to be stored. It also allows insertion of elements and positional access.
A list is one of the three major categories of the Java collections. The other two categories are maps ans sets.
number1 = int(input("Enter the first number: "))
number2 = int(input("Enter the second number: "))
result = 0
for i in range(number1):
result += number2
Ask the user for two numbers
Initialize result as 0 to hold the multiplication of the numbers
Create a for loop that iterates "number1" times. In each iteration, add number2 to the result.
When the loop is done, print the result
yellow: the last sentence in the text
blue: Queenies flowers reached for the sky
Personification means that you apply human characteristics to things that are not alive, like a flower smiling, a term used when people see a field of healthy flowers
This is about identifiers in a record referring to other records.
You can have many to one, one to one, many to many.
E.g., if you have two tables, Authors and Books, then a book record could have a reference to an author record. Since an author can write many books, this would be a many-to-one relationship.