Answer: The Exchange View
Explanation: The Exchange View of individualized leadership focuses on the concept of exchange, where leaders typically tend to establish exchange relationships with individuals who have characteristics similar to those of the leader.
Postmodern theories.
As the exercise briefly explains, adherents of this theory contend that there are no longer any "grand narratives," or metanarratives—overall conceptions of history or society—that make any sense. They usually deconstruct theories, history and art, analyzing them with their own set of ideas.
1. Corresponding Author: Dr. Rifat Nawreen Islam Assistant Professor
Depertment of Forensic Medicine
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
2. Dr. Noor-E-Tabassum
Associate Professor
Depertment of Pharmacology
Medical College for Woman and Hospital, Uttara, Dhaka
3. Dr. A K M Safiuzzaman MBBS MCPS Lecturer, Dhaka Medical College, Dhaka
4. Professor Md. Monowarul Islam Sarker MBBS MCPS Professor & Head of Forensic Medicine Department Medical College for Women, Uttara, Dhaka