S- Shining so bright like the sun and orbits around the centre of the Galaxy
T- Teal colored sometimes and shows many colors but never purple or green
A- A colorful huge exploding ball of gas mostly made out of hydrogen and helium
R- radical velocity and black holes
Both a and b because brown hair is a trait passed down and the word “inherited” lets us know someone else in the family has had the disease before
It has something to do with finding the aftershocks of 3 locations around it.
D hurricanes makes the most sense because lightning isn't and blizzards have nothing to do with ocean waters and tornadoes only occur inland.
The resting membrane potential is created and maintained due to the difference in the total charge or ions present outside and inside of the cell. The resting membrane potential depolarize if sodium come in and and potassium leaves the cell.
The resting membrane is maintained and created by the distribution of potassium and sodium ions. The membrane potential of a resting cell is -70mV (negative) because more sodium ions is present outside the cell than the potassium ions present inside the cell.
When the sodium ions enter inside the cell and potassium ions move outside the cell, the inside of the cell becomes more positive as compared to the outside and the membrane potential changes from -70 mV to +30 mV. The cells will depolarize due to the accumulation of sodium ions inside the cell.