Change the font size
Change the font color
Change the background color
Adjust percentage of background shade
Add a hyperlink
All of these have todo with style
The IP QoS which is fully known as QUALITY OF SERVICE mechanism that involves prioritizing traffic is DIFFERENTIATED SERVICES (DiffServ).
DIFFERENTIATED SERVICES help to differentiate ,arrange ,manage, control and focus on network traffic that are of great significance or important first before network that are less important or by their order of importance in order to provide quality of service and to avoid network traffic congestion which may want to reduce the quality of service when their is to much load on the network .
You can use the pop() method to remove specific elements of a list. pop() method takes the index value as a parameter and removes the element at the specified index. Therefore, a[2] contains 3 and pop() removes and returns the same as output.
Hope it helps you!
1 inch (2.54 cm
the default top and bottom margins were 1 inch (2.54 cm), but 1.25 inches (3.17 cm) were given at the left and the right.
That's standard for document size by default.