hello good person sorry i need brain point sorry for not answering the question.
A pedigree allows for simple organization of a family tree and any possible disease that may be passed on. It is better than a written passage because it is visual; people can see the pattern of inheritance.
Pedigrees are organized like a family trees. The first ancestors are at the top, and their progeny are connected below them. As a result, this makes the pattern easy to follow.
So secularism are things related to worldy ideas and events. The Renaissance was a time when lots of secular ideas developed. So some secular ideas in the Renaissance were interest in learning and the arts, study of the Greek and Roman language, and the belief to change the world for the better. Hope this helps.
The answer is A an in-group-bias. Favoring ones own group rather than others.
Option 3: easy, difficult and slow to warm up
The new york longitudinal study began in 1956. In it temperament study, it was found out that 40 percent of children exhibit an easy temperamental pattern
Temperament can simply be defined as a biological rooted behavioral ability that is found out earlyto be in life and are stable across various kinds of situations.
In Easy temperament by NYLS, it is characteristized by an individual having a positive mood, moderate to low intensity of reaction and they do have new approach to situations easily.
In difficult temperament: Individuals in this group are Known to have negative mood, irregular, slow to adapt, withdrew from new situa.
In slow to warm up temperament, individuals o f this group are known to have an slow to adapt, negative in mood, they do withhold from new situations and reacted with low to moderate intensity.