Spectatoring is when you focus on yourself during intercourse, it makes you judge yourself and worry about your performance.
Answer: it is termed a "fully two-sided view of human interaction"
Answer:You cannot be, I know, nor do I wish to see you, an inactive spectator. ... Those Braintree families who were able to leave had already packed and ... have made an exception to the rule, when he sold ten acres to help send his son John to college. ... By turns he worried over never having any bright or original ideas, or being ...
Functionalist perspective
The functionalist perspective is a phenomenon that has been understood that is a complex system that parts work together for the stability and solidarity of workers. In this approach, the sociologist looks at a micro-level. Functionalism is an approach that takes the society at whole perspective. Herbert spencer popularized society as part of society's organs that work for the body functions. From the social perspective, functionalism has prerequisite needs such as water, shelter food clothing, and money, etc. are very important for a person to live life from above the poverty line.