The Radical Republicans believed blacks were entitled to the same political rights and opportunities as whites. They also believed that the Confederate leaders should be punished for their roles in the Civil
The commune in Roxbury, Massechusets.
The answer is A. The people must remove any government that destroys rights.
This section of the Declaration of Independence explains all people have basic rights and the government should respect these "these are Life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness". Moreover, the text explains the power of government is given by people, and therefore people can decide over it. In this context, the paragraph supports the theme or idea people can remove or abolish government in case basic rights are violated by it (first option). Indeed, the paragraph mentions people have the right to end a government and create a new one if "any Form of Government becomes destructive".
Roosevelt's recovery program : New Deal
fair treatment of all nations following WWI : just peace
Harding's post-war program : return to normalcy
Legislation controlling corporation competition : National Industrial Recovery Act
Wilson's program of political and social reform : progressivism
program of flood control and soil conservation : Tennessee Valley Authority
resulted in 5 nation treaty banning buildup of certain military equipment : Washington Disarmament conference
Legislation for veteran bonuses : Patman bill
Roosevelt's initial program to pass as much legislation as possible : five hundred days
financial aid to Europe : Young Plan
Organizations for black persons' rights : National Urban League
British ship sunk by Germans : Lusitania