The first section requires adverbs, so in Spanish, to produce an adverb, you will add the ending "-mente" to the feminine singular form of an adjective.
If the word is masculine, change it to the feminine form.
For the first section, the answers will be:
- regulamente
- constantemente
- generalmente
- serguamente (this one was masculine, but we changed the "o" to an "a" and then attached "-mente" to the end)
- maravillosamente
Now, for the second section, we need to use the Imperfect tense. In this tense, the subject used to do something doing something. And, yes, there are irregular verbs, such as ir, ser, and ver.
So, the answers for the second section is:
- quería
- iba
- hablábamos
- escribías
- se acostaba
- miraban
- vivía
- éramos; jugábamos
- íbamos
- bebían
yo= aba
tú= abas
el/ella/usted= aba
nosotros= ábamos
vosotros= abais
ellos/ellas/ustedes= aban
yo= ía
tú= ías
el/ella/usted= ía
nosotros= íamos
vosotros= íais
ellos/ellas/ustedes= ían
Irregular Imperfect verbs:
Ir: iba, ibas, iba, íbamos, ibais, iban
Ser: era, eras, era, éramos, erais, eran
Ver: veía, veías, veía, veíamos, veíais, veían
I hope this helps you! Don't worry, I took my time :)). It's good if you keep the charts in handy, and maybe put them in a doc. or something so you can always refer back to it anytime.