3x is the least common denominators because you need to be able to make sure all other denominators can go multiple into it. Since the rest are just x, the largest number of 3x would be the denominator you want.
Y = -2 + 6 should be the equation
C , the little 5 at the top represents how many times 7 is multiplied.
1 ray DE
2 ray ED
3 ray EC
4 ray CE
5 ray DC
6 ray CD
7 ray CA
8 ray AC
9 ray CB
10 ray BC
11 ray AB
12 ray BA
Let's look at the formula to solve the perimeter.
We know that l=6w
Let's put that into the equation.
So the width is 7. Let's find the length.
Since the length is six times the width: 7×6= 42
So, the length is 42 while the width is 7. We need to find the area.
The area is 294 m².
Tell me if this helps!!