1. Don gloves
2. Prepare tubing with NS
3. Spike blood bag to tubing
4. Run blood slowly per institution protocol for first 10-15min
5.If no adverse reaction occurs in first 15 min. Continue at infused rate 125-175ml/hr or Other Order by MD
5. Recheck Vitals at 10min, 30min and at stop time.
Chlamydia is a bacterial STD. It can often be treated with a round of antibiotics. Also gonorrhea, it’s like chlamydia in a way. Gonorrhea is caused by bacteria that can usually be treated with antibiotics.
D (1/2 cup of dried fruit)
In order to succeed later in life, you need to be taught the basic principles of such topics from a very young age. This way, it's important that you're parents tell you how such develop or work, so that you won't feel afraid and not at a disadvantage when later exposed to such a issue. It also helps children, by simplifying the world around them.
Hope this helps!
- Melanie