<span>It brought information right to your house. people were able to communicate better, address issues faster and become aware of things happening around the world by watching the news. the down part is that it made people lazy it increased our chance of sitting at the couch and watching tv for hours and hours. people are less active, distracting kids from doing their home work and making them lazy not going outside and play and exercise. people also consume junk foods while watching tv and u know that is part of the reason that people are NOT being healthy.
Hope this helped :)</span>
Drums because you can beat on anything almost and get a sound
The National Museum of the Great Lakes is a nice tourist attraction on all things of Lake Erie, the Erie Canal, and the Industrial Revolution of America. : D
A conjugal family is a nuclear unit made up of a married couple and their offspring (by birth or adoption), as well as a couple who are not yet legally married or who are minors. Conjugal implies a marriage-like relationship. Family ties are voluntary and based on emotional attachments rather than rigorous duties and obligations, and the family relationship is mostly inward-focused.