One strand show ATTCCGA so the other will show TAAGGCT !
It shows which consumes which. A basic food chain.
Wherever the arrowhead is pointed at, shows that it consumes the specie next to the nock. For example, the arrow on the left has its arrowhead directed at the butterfly. This means that the butterfly consumes the flower. The next arrowhead points at the bird, which means that this bird consumes the butterfly.
I believe that you are supposed to notice that the striations in the contracted muscle fibers are much closer together than the striations in the uncontracted muscle. Therefore, it would appear that somehow the striated parts of the muscle are being pulled closer together somehow. Glycerinated muscle retains the organized structural array of myosin thick filaments and actin thin filaments, actin associated proteins like troponin and tropomyosin which regulate contraction, and the functional capacity for contraction.
Because the particles are quite away and look alike as gas diagram