Dramatic Irony is irony based on you knowing something the characters don't know. If you've ever seen a horror movie, or a Nicholas Sparks romantic drama, you know what I'm talking about. Examples would be knowing that the blonde character is about to open the door to the room that Jason is waiting in, or the husband coming home to see his wife when we clearly know she remarried while he was off.
So, asides are the main way a storyteller is able to communicate dramatic irony for tension, weather it be dramatic or comedic. Lets go back to the Friday the 13th analogy. The main story involves the teenagers at camp Crystal Lake. So while we'll have a scene fleshing out their characters in the dining room, we'll cut away to an "aside", or scene/plotline that's not directly related to the main plot, of Jason crawling in the window to the bathroom. We then cut back to the main shot, where the blonde character says she needs to relieve herself. Everybody laughs, and as she walks away, we see Jason inching towards the door with machete in hand. The side-plot, or "asides" of Jason getting in the room, builds the dramatic irony of us knowing the blonde is going to die, but the characters don't know that yet as the asides were out of their realm of perspective.
I hope this helps!
a mobile phone is a great upgrate of tech .every person uses this tech , but is it that good the answer is No . it causes for bad grades if you are distracted , The most students is having a phone just to play on.
so if you use a phone use it the good way
tech means technologie
Technology is having a growing impact on language learning worldwide. The landscape of language teaching and language learning has transformed so rapidly that the formal classroom does not serve as the primary learning site anymore. Mohammad Reza Ahmadi (2018) argued that electronic teaching programs appeal greatly to language instructors due to their contribution to enhancing students’ active engagement with teachers and maximizing positive language learning outcomes. The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of class and is viewed as the core requirement in schools.
Modern technology includes but is not limited to language labs, computerization, multimedia devices, mobile phones, audio/visual effects applications, EdTech solutions, and social media which can facilitate faster and more comprehensive language progression. For example, the application of multimedia content in class could integrate print texts, video, learning games, and the internet to familiarize students with language vocabulary and structure.
How technology-driven language teaching supports teachers (Richards, 2015)?
1. Create a better learning environment
In a technology-driven learning environment, flexible classroom spaces where connected devices, audiovisual tools, and purposeful furniture are integrated facilitate positive engagement of students and the mix of independent, small-group, and whole-class learning that is now viewed as essential to student success (EdTech staff, 2018).
2. Increase the possibility of a much wider range of strategies in teaching
Compared with traditional teaching methods that could make students passive and bored, current language teaching strategies primarily utilize multimedia, social media, various available resources, and educational games giving students opportunities to meaningfully increase their exposure to language and thus make their own knowledge.
3. Connect the classroom with the real world
Technology in the classroom such as videos, images, and software solutions empower teachers to incorporate the larger real world into the classroom. Turning the theories into practical experiences motivates students to practice and be deeply immersed in language learning.
In this context, the word unoccupied means 'not in use'.
Answer: A summer Haiku
Today is awesome
Beach, late nights, ice cream, and sun
That is my summer